Şirin çörək
Recipe for delicious sweet bread.
: 2 pieces of bread for the
1 package (2 + ¼ teaspoon) of dry powder, yeast
2 cups warm milk
6 cups of half flour
1 cup + ¾ cup of sugar,
a pinch of salt,
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 egg – at room temperature
and 200 grams of butter yagı melted
1 egg for cold and 1
teaspoon of wheat
How is it prepared?
1. In a bowl, place the yeast in 1 cup milk and leave for 5 minutes.
2. Mix coarse flour, sugar powder, salt and sprinkle. Add the yeast mixture in the middle, the remaining 1 cup milk, egg and butter and knead the dough.
3. First, the dough will be somewhat sticky, but do not worry, it will stick as it kneads it. The dough obtained should not be too tight, but at the same time should not stick.
4. Put the dough on a coat and cover with a towel and come for about 2 hours.
5. Cool or lubricate the 2 large list.
6. Break the dough into two places and garnish. You’ve been plunged into your hands until you reach a circle of 22 cm. The thickness of the circle should be 1.2 cm.
7. Place the bread in the list. Put them on a robe with a fork lift for 1 hour.
8. Heat the oven to 190C.
9. Mix the egg with the fork and onto the surface of the bread. Click on a pattern with a pattern.
10. Cook for 30-35 minutes in the middle part of the oven, or until the top is well cooked. If the oven is not too large to place the two shelves in the middle shelf, then continue cooking for a period of 15 minutes in the upper part of the oven and the other in the bottom section of the oven.
11. Cut off the bread only after completely cooling down.